Posts tagged circularity
Turning mine waste from risk into opportunity

Over the past few years, my attention has turned from overall sustainability matters to how we can reduce the risks of mining wastes. There are many opportunities to create value from wastes, and to alter the way that wastes are managed in order to reduce long-term risks to the environment, as well as to society.

Bringing diverse minds together, and applying innovative solutions, we can find ways to eliminate the potential for catastrophic tailings dam failures.

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Pandemic Responses Bring Lessons for Mining

As we experience and respond to the global pandemic, I truly believe that we are in the midst of some unique, significant learning and growth opportunities. This article is about some of the lessons we can learn from the responses to this pandemic, and how we might use these insights to make some changes in the mining industry, specifically focused around our waste management practices.

I am tired of hearing about the regularity of tailings dam failures, and distraught over the growing severity of consequences of the failures of late. In my opinion, it isn’t acceptable to continue creating such high levels of risk. As operators, we shouldn’t have to be creating and managing massive risk management programs, nor practicing massive emergency and evacuation protocols, for materials that we produce. We have control of what we create, to a large degree, if not entirely. And we have the power, and information, to make better decisions. So let’s see how we might do so.

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