Promoting Change - Go Big or Go Home

2018 marks the 20th anniversary of my undergraduate degree in geological engineering, as well as my whole-hearted dive into the mining world. I’ve watched many fantastic ideas, methodologies and technologies come forth, often to be squashed and put back on a shelf, and it's time that this stops!! 

I’ve decided that it’s time to go big or go home, to start shouting about the possibilities, to start connecting the right collaborators and helping with finding the right solutions for big risk and sustainability-related opportunities.

Will you be a supporter?

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Collaborating to Extract Value from Waste

How do we get more buy in to actually turning tailings wastes into a product?

Is there more opportunity to create products out of those things or have them used as some other sources of reclamation materials to stabilize other sites.

How do we encourage more collaboration on that front?

Read this article, based on sessions of the Mines and Technology conference held in Toronto, October 2-4, 2017, where a panel had a dialogue around this question. 

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Barriers to Embracing New Technologies

How can we move forward to embrace new technologies, and the piloting of the many technologies already available, which can both recover value from, and reduce the risks of tailings management?

Read this article, based on sessions of the Mines and Technology conference held in Toronto, October 2-4, 2017, where a panel had a dialogue around this question. 

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The Future of Tailings Management

Last week I attended the Mines and Technology Conference in Toronto, to catch up with what is happening in the mining world, and to moderate a panel on Evaluating the Impact of Technology on Tailings Management. 

At this conference, we heard a lot about how we can be using all of the data that we seem to own or have access to. And how we should enable our front line employees to make better decisions, to improve performance on several fronts and to lower costs, using said data.

And we saw examples of where all of this is happening, the technologies available to help us along, and a lot about how to help everyone transition with these significant changes into the way that we do things.

We are on the right track, but there are still things not being discussed. 

So with that, I am going to write a short series to cover some of the risks and opportunities for which we need to pay more attention to, specifically with respect to our waste management practices.

Some of this I covered with the panelists, quotes from which I will include. Some I have added depth to - for you can't cover everything in just a half-hour session!

I hope you'll enjoy!

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Ignoring the Potential...

Tailings. One of those parts of the mining business that everyone loves to hate. 

External stakeholders see them as large, ugly ponds of toxic sludge, fearing their presence, fighting against their development. Not in my backyard. 

And to the mining business, tailings make up a significant cost - unfortunately being something that no conventional mine has ever been able to eliminate.

So what can be done about it? Are there alternatives?

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